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November 7November 25Free Japanese film screenings by Japanese Embassy in HollandAmsterdam & Leiden, The Netherlands
November 8November 9Takahisa Zeze at YaleYale University, New Haven CT, USA
(Zeze will also be present at a screening of Heaven's Story at the Brattle Theatre, Harvard, on Nov. 10 at 15:00.)
January 29March 29Paysages du cinéma japonaisMaison de la Culture du Japon, Paris, France
January 31March 28East Side StoriesThe Japan Foundation's annual touring film program.
ICA, London, and throughout the UK
February 6February 16Aesthetics of ShadowA special program of Japanese films, inspired by Daisuke Miyao's book of the same name, out now from Duke University Press.
Berlinale, Berlin, Germany
March 13March 29Richie's Electric Eight: The Bold and the DaringPart 2 of the Japan Society's tribute to Donald Richie.
Japan Society, New York City, USA
May 1June 1Astonishing Animation: The Films of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio GhibliYerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, USA

All dates are subject to change.